Monday, February 2, 2009

Stupid Adductor

I think it happened Friday when I was in the pool, on the kickboard. On Friday night I noticed my groin was kind of tight and on Saturday morning before my 15M run I popped a couple of Aleve and thought, i gotta get this run in so just go for it.
The Aleve did their job during the run, but hours later they wore off and the pain was there. I took an ice bath on Sunday for 20 minutes, hoping that would help things out. My groin still hurt this morning, so I did a little online research and found out I have a torn or strained adductor. Stupid adductor. Stupid me for running 15 miles on it. I'm not going to run and I am going to rest.
At least the top of my arthritic ankle isn't giving me any problems while running despite it hurting when I have my shoes off, but that is another story.

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